Saturday, February 25, 2012

Which should i get for multiplayer call of duty4 or battlefield bad company?

What should i get Call of duty 4 or battlefield bad company

I want a good multiplayer game, i don't really care about single player i just do it to learn the controls. I love to snipe and be stealthy what should i get. i have a 360. The most in depth answers will get the 10 points. If you have experience playing any of them it would be nice to hear what you think?Which should i get for multiplayer call of duty4 or battlefield bad company?
Get Call of Duty 4. It's got much higher ratings that Battlefield bad company. I'm not saying BBC is bad, it's just worse that COD4.

Cod4 had amazing multiplayer and campaign. I highly suggest doing the campaign, it's fun!

Otherwise, read reviews, read ratings, and watch youtube videos of the games. That's what I do.
i should have got best , because that answer is smoking crack , besides i live in mirosoft country and my frined runs the xbox divion in seattle washington , i you want a awesome game get gears of war 2 ty jcf

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Which should i get for multiplayer call of duty4 or battlefield bad company?
Bad Company

you liek to snipe and you get a wide variety of sniper rifles (and other guns) in BC adn they don't take forever to unlock like in COD4

also when playing sniper you get a laser designater guided missle thing

and another thign thats good about BC is the destrucible environment sometimes when a roof explodes off you all of a sudden have an amazing sniper spot

also if your an achievment guy COD4 doesn't have any multiplayer achievments
Definately Call of Duty 4.

Bad Company is newer but it has less of a multiplayer atmosphere than Call of Duty. There are four times as many people playing Call of Duty online than there is Bad Company. Also, Call of Duty has more sniping weapons than Bad Company and you can enable "weapon perks" to go with it, such as Deep Impact( for deeper bullet penetration) and Iron Lungs (steadier aim).

All in all Call of Duty is more realistic and a better multiplayer experience.Which should i get for multiplayer call of duty4 or battlefield bad company?
dont ever get cod4, there's rumours that its very bad, and that i my self seen my friend play it and that its not worth it. Its only worth it if you have live(xbox360) or any kind of internet connection so you can play multiplayer(online).

I dont know about bad company, but i have played battlefield and i enjoyed it very much, espicially Battlefield 2142, which is a very good game if you paly titan mode.

So im just telling you that call of duty 4 isnt that great of a game, and gets very boring if there is no online, so i recommend playing Bad company=D hope that helped.
bad company is not a good game at all. call of duty 4 has an awesome multiplayer xbox live but i would stick with 5 because it is newer and i think more fun. If you mean multiplayer thats not online dont get either you want something more like halo because you cant play online with 2 people on cod 4 or bad company.
Definitely Call of Duty 4.

It's one of the best games I've ever played.

I like the same things as you stealthy and sniping.

Call of Duty 4 is the best game for it.

Battlefield doesn't even compare.
um.. da army of 2 would be the best 2 player game its preety awsome game and halo 3 is preety awsome as well call of duty iv played it i hate da story line. call of duty da new one is preety good dats wat i heard.
Bad company's campaign is really good but the multilayer is absolutely terrible, a few levels with only one kind of game. CoD4 is much better, you would be stupid to buy BC over it.
Cod 4 is great for one person playing and bad company is too but there is no multiplayer campaign in call of duty but it is so much more fun hope this helped,

game docter
Call of Duty 4 it has more players even a year after the release of the game last year november, Bad Company is bad too it has BAD graphics
cod 4, imo they are both great games but cod 4 has the better multiplayer and has alot more people that play it
Call of duty 4... I downloaded it and regret not buying it.... Lol. But the games is freaking awesome! Cod4 especially for the sniping aswell
i have and i love it and im exmilitary
call of duty 4....... bad company stinks....
call of duty 4
Ive played cod and i didn't seem fun i say try gears of war 2 or halo

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